How does a gastric sleeve make you lose weight?


Single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS), allows operations to be carried out through only a single incision using special ports, to further minimize the trauma of access incisions, reducing recovery time, discomfort, and visible scarring.

Traditional Gastric Sleeve requires four to six small incisions, the single-incision sleeve gastrectomy is performed with only one single incision through the belly button using a specialized port placed over the incision.

The Procedure

The surgeon performs the Single Incision Sleeve by entering the abdomen and gaining access to the stomach through the belly button, then part of the stomach is separated and removed from the body. The remaining section of the stomach is formed into a tubelike structure. This smaller stomach cannot hold as much food. It also produces less of the appetite-regulating hormone ghrelin, which may lessen your desire to eat.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery by laparoscopy or Single Incision Gastric Sleeve are the same procedures, what it changes is the number of incisions performed.

Sometimes, there is a small possibility you could need a second, very small incision for a drain to be put in. If it is needed, the scar in most cases is not even noticeable and often resembles a “scratch”.

Am I a candidate for SILS

  • You need to have a BMI lower than 40
  • Dense scar tissue resulting from previous abdominal surgeries, increase risk of complications and your candadacy for SILS. 

Your safety is our first concern, if you don´t qualify for SILS, the traditional gastric sleeve is always recommended.

Benefits of SILS

  • Quicker Recovery Time and Reduced Postoperative Pain
  • Minimally Invasive
  • Smaller scars for better cosmetic results

What are the disadvantages of single-port surgery?

The single-port approach is more challenging than traditional laparoscopy surgery because there is less freedom of movement with all instruments using the same entry point. 

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